Gardening at Night
Family business has kept me traveling on weekends this spring, so time for gardening has been hard to find. I didn't spend much time planning or spacing. Instead, whenever I had a few minutes I just threw seeds or sprouts wherever looked vacant. Luckily we've had a lot of rain so I haven't had to water too often, and overall it has been going surprisingly well. We've been harvesting lettuce all spring, until it went to seed last week. I picked some peas that I probably let stay on the vine too long. Last weekend I picked a nice big green onion for a meal that friends grilled up on rooftop deck of the Accordion Player's building. I kept the herbs up on the window sill this year so that I could get to them more easily when I am cooking, and also to have more room for vegetables. I'm usually terrible with flowers but, I put out a lot this year and so far they've all survived.
One new addition was to put accent lights around the tree wells. Pedestrians often accidentally stepped on our garden last year and the lights have helped a lot. Also they really look cool.