2nd Avenue Storage

Walk to Your Storage Unit

Located in Birmingham, AL, 2nd Avenue Storage is the Loft District's source for all your storage and secure parking needs.
Please make an appointment to come see us next door to El Barrio.

Customer Testimonials


"This has been incredibly convenient for us over these past 4 years."

- Marc G., 2nd Avenue Storage Customer

"Great storage area… We were very satisfied with the storage unit over the several years we rented it.”

-Roy R., 2nd Avenue Storage Customer

We Hosted Karen Libecamp at Artwalk!

People came from all over the metro area to enjoy Artwalk this past weekend. Karen Libecamp showed her work in The Wade Smith Foyer Gallery. Karen has recently been featured on MTV News and The Huffington Post, so we were honored to host somebody super famous. She was very successful, even in spite of Friday night's rain. Saturday had a steady stream of traffic in all of the venues, and The Gallery was no exception. Everybody loved Karen's miniature paintings. If you weren't able to come out or missed Karen's work, you can catch up (and maybe even purchase) some up at her website or come by The Gallery; her work will be displayed all month!

Birmingham Artwalk

Birmingham Artwalk

Karen Libecap got tons of traffic at The Wade Smith Foyer Gallery 

Karen Libecap got tons of traffic at The Wade Smith Foyer Gallery 

There was a line down the block to get into the after party.

There was a line down the block to get into the after party.